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2nd place, Supply Chain Integration, Schema AutoMatch Solution: Twinkle

Aug 5-6, 2017

2nd place, Supply Chain Digital Transformation Hackathon @USC, 2017  

A 24-hour-length hackathon project, Team member:  Patrick Carroll,  Steve Thijssen, Arjen Gaal, Me.                                

Project Outline:

The solution we offer is a Seamless process when system A (which could be an ERP) communicate with system B (WMS), we recognize the data schema. It is a third party software that bridge in between your ERP and WMS, to help them talk to each other, without you necessarily upgrading your infrastructure. 

Our solution guesses the structure of input data, double checks with a people-friendly validation interface, and connects the interfaces between your ERP and WMS, seamlessly integrating the two. Twinkle also has a memory for storing the schema for future retrieval: the Twinkle library.



Competition Website:

My part of work for pattern recognition applied: Python Sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer, sklearn.naive_bayes, Pandas, Numpy.

This was a very unique experience for me, not only because I went back to my home school USC, and surprisingly encountering the famous USC Marching Band again on the supply chain summit, but also for the chance to have immerse dialogues with plenty of leaders in the supply chain fields (big bosses), who came to find us and appreciated our work and encouraged and cheered us for the potential game changing opportunities we have just unleashed.


I was the only girl in the winning teams, and throughout the process creating and building, I gained the insight and justified how girls can make change via coding and also bring the powerful driving forces that make sounded difference.

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